Although God owns everything, he influences the world through his people. In other words, God gives to you so he can give through you. The Bible tells us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14).
When it comes to giving, God doesn’t need our money or our things. What he needs is us, and the process of giving blesses us and changes us, as well as brings him glory.
As you give both with faith and faithfully, the world is changed for the glory of God: the gospel is preached, lives are touched, people are fed, and you are blessed by God. So, what is the difference between tithing and giving?
Both involve giving, but not necessarily do both involve tithing. The word "tithe" literally means a tenth. We, alongside many biblically practicing churches recognize that tithing is God's desire in giving.
The practice of tithing then is setting aside 10% of your income to be given to God's purposes, which we believe is your home church. Gifts over and beyond that are our "offerings."
It doesn't matter the amount. Then see if God is faithful as you give that amount. We have seen many people partner with God and receive God's blessings as they worked toward the tithe.

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